The picture you see here was one of the most fun experiences during the week. Water is a big issue in Israel and there is this beautiful reserve that ends up being a source of water for the River Jordan. This reserve is unique in that is has an amazing waterfall that actually has its source from a bubbling spring. You can see in the pictures on that my friend Elizabeth and Caitie are joining me in the fun. Caitie is the short one from Australia.
This was one of the few opportunities where I could get my feet into the water and then walk around a little bit. The water was incredibly cold, as you can see the look of pain in my face and the rocks were a little bit difficult to walk on. Actually, as soon as my feet were in the water, I felt like my blood was rushing away from my head!! So I was laughing as well because I felt a bit light-headed.
Another interesting aspect about this park is that it used to belong to the country of Jordan and in fact is right on the border. They gave it to Israel for a temporary period, but as you can see by its beauty, Israel decided to keep it permanently. So both Jordan and Israel want this beautiful park that is such an important source of water. This is the type of learning that has been going on here, that although religion plays an important role in this part of the world, water & land are huge part of the political struggle between these countries.
The next day we went to the River Jordan to see some absolutely beautiful things so please keep following my blog!!!
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