Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Thursday, July 30, 2015

17th Monday English: What are our Idols?

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 13:31-35.  How easily and quickly we forget God's glory and worship all types of idols! What are our idols??

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17th Sunday Spanish: Las Sobras de Dios

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:1-15.  Dios es tan generoso, que nuestras sobras son suficiente para el resto del mundo. 

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17th Sunday English: God's Fragments

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 6:1-15.  Jesus is and should be our hero.  God's generosity shines through Him so much that the fragments leftover are enough to feed the world. 

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Friday, July 24, 2015

16th Friday English: memorial of St. Sharbel

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 13:18-23.  St. Sharbel is a wonderful example of holiness through his prayer & self-denial.  We still benefit from the life he lived 150 years ago. 

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16th Thursday English: Approach God without Fear

This homily as given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 13:10-17.  In former times, God approached the human race in ways that caused great fear in us.  Why? To get our attention...now he wants us to draw nearer through the simplicity and humility of Jesus and the Mass. 

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16th Monday English: Deep Trust in God

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 12:38-42.  The first reading shows us the difficulty in trusting God.  It's not as easy as we think. 

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Friday, July 17, 2015

15th Friday English: Why?

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 12:1-8.  Why does God require some of the things he asks of us?

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15th Thursday English: God's relationship with Humanity

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 11:28-30.  God begins a relationship with Moses and wants to continue it with us. 

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15th Monday English: the Sword of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 10:34-11:1.  Jesus speaks of a sword that he will bring: it's the sword of our decision to follow or not follow God. 

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15th Sunday Spanish: Cual es tu Mision?

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Mk 6:7-13.  Creemos que los misioneros tienen mision, pero nos damos cuenta que cada persona bautizada es un misionero con mision? Cual es la tuya?

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15th Sunday English: What is your mission?

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 6:7-13.  We don't often ask ourselves or believe that God has a mission from us apart from who we are or the job we have.  What is your mission?

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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

13th Tuesday English: the Storms of Life & Culture

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 8:23-27.  God shows his providential care by mirroring in the Gospels what happens in our culture & lives. 

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13th Monday Espanol: la Cultura y la Palabra de Dios

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mt 16:13-19.  Tanto como fue dificil para Pedro proclamar su fe en Jesus entonces, asi sera dificil para nosotros profesar nuestra fe publicamente. 

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13th Monday English: the Culture & the Gospel

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 16:13-19.  The Readings of today reflect perfectly the type of allegience that Jesus wants from us.  Are we willing to give it?

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13th Sunday English: Resistance to Healing

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 5:21-43.  Sometimes we are the ones who are obstacles in God doing healing in us. 

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13th Sunday Espanol: Miedo de Sanacion

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mk 5:21-43.  A veces nosotros mismos somos los que no queremos o ponemos obstaculos en buscar sanacion. 

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