Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

25th Tuesday English: We are the Family of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 8:19-21.  Our source of joy as Christians is to know that in Christ we become the family of God most especially when we listen to God's Word and act on it. 

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Monday, September 24, 2012

25th Monday English: We are the Light of the World

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 8:16-18.  We are called to take our faith seriously, to be public witnesses in the World and to believe that Jesus is Lord.

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Sunday, September 23, 2012

25th Sunday Spanish: La Humildad el Camino hacia Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 9:30-37.  Jesus nos ensena que el caminod hacia el es el de humildad.  Pero primero tenemos que aprender que es la humildad y como la podemos aplicar en nuestras vidas. 

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

24th Friday English: Jesus' call to "Come Follow Me!"

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 9:9-13.  Jesus invites us to come follow Him in life and even in Death.  The Rosary is a prayer that helps us on this journey towards Jesus.

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Friday, September 21, 2012

24th Tuesday English: Our Gifts & Charisms as a path to relationship with Christ

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The readings were from Lk 7:11-17.  We are invited into a deeper relationship with Christ, one that is alive and active.  Our gifts are a way to enter deeper into that relationship. 

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24th Sunday English: A Faith that Works, Works!

This Mass was give at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 8:27-35.  We must have a Faith that is lived out through our loving actions towards one another. 

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Friday, September 14, 2012

23rd Tuesday English: Joy as a response to Suffering

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel for the day was: Lk 6:12-19.  In the midst of suffering, we can respond to it with joy because of Jesus's great love for us on the Cross.

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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

23rd Monday English: Our Christian call to rid the world of Evil!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Luke 6:6-11.  We are called to take up our cross of suffering in order to rid the world of evil.  This can only be done joyfully with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Come Holy Spirit!

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Monday, September 10, 2012

23rd Sunday English: What is your Miracle?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 7:31-37.  Mark proves to his contemporaries that Jesus is Lord through his miracles, but we must allow Jesus to do miracles in our own life so that our faith in him as Lord may increase. 

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23rd Sunday Spanish: Cual es tu Milagro?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 7:31-37.  Jesus quiere hacer milagros en nuestras vidas pero tenemos que ponernos de rodias y pedir con Fe.  A traves de los Milagros, llegamos a tener fe en Cristo como nuestro Dios. 

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Saturday, September 8, 2012

22nd Saturday English: The Birth of the Queen!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 1:18-23.  The grace received by Mary had to do with her holy parents and the circumstances of her birth.  This gives her an advantage that we also benefit from if we only ask Our Blessed Mother for help!

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Tuesday, September 4, 2012

22nd Sunday English: Sinful desires are what defile!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23.  It is easier to stop sin in the heart than once we begin committing sinful actions.  We should allow the Holy Spirit to purify our desires and lead our country into laws in accord with God's law. 

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