Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Monday, August 24, 2015

21st Sunday Spanish: Amistad con Jesus en la Eucaristia

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:60-69.  Jesus tomo cuerpo para dejarnes su cuerpo en la Eucaristia y de esa manera facilitar una amistad con el.  

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21st Sunday English: Friendship with Jesus in the Eucharist

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 6:60-69.  Jesus took on flesh and left us the Eucharist so that we could more easily be friends with him.  

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20th Friday English: Memorial of St. Pius X

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 22:34-40.  St. Pius X's answer to Modernism was a child-like love for Jesus in the Eucharist.  

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20th Thursday English: Memorial of St. Bernard

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 22:1-14.  Let us love the Virgin Mary as St. Bernard did. 

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20th Monday English: Treasure when following Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 19:16-22.  For those that do give up earthly things to follow Jesus, he gives Heavenly wealth.  

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Friday, August 14, 2015

19th Friday English: the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe

This homily was given at St. Luke.  St. Maximilian gave his life for another man thereby showing us the love of Jesus in our modern day.  This heroism was borne out of this love for the Virgin Mary.  Get to know this beautiful saint.  

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19th Thursday English: Christian Forgiveness

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 18:21-19:1.  How do we as Christians forgive in the way that Jesus teaches? By coming to the Cross of Jesus!

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19th Monday English: feast of St. Laurence

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 12:24-26.  If we have the courage to give our lives to Jesus, we will bear much fruit like St. Laurence. 

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19th Domingo Español: la carne de Jesus -verdadera comida

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:41-51.  Jesus nos entrega su carne como comida espiritual.  Tanto como hay comida fisica, ha la comida espiritual.

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19th Sunday English: the flesh of Jesus -true food

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 6:41-51.  We need physical food but we also need spiritual food.  Jesus' flesh is that true spiritual food. 

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18th Saturday English: memorial of St. Dominic

This homily was given at St. Luke. The Gospel was Mt 17:14-20.  St Dominic established a religous community that still exists to this day and has greatly influenced the world.  What was his secret? The Rosary!  May we pray this beautiful prayer that Heaven gave to us through him. 

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19th Tuesday English: Memorial of St Claire

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 18:1-5, 12-14.  St Claire had a phenomenal faith in Jesus which gave her tremendous courage.  This was especially true in the Eucharist.  Let us imitate her faith so that we can overcome our enemies as well. 

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Friday, August 7, 2015

18th Thursday English: the Transfiguration

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 9:2-10.  In the difficult moments of life, we need mountaintop experiences to survive.

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17th Friday English: the memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola

This homily was given at St. Luke.  Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Ignatius, who taught us the spiritual practice of repetition.  Here we go back to places where God has given grace so that we can open ourselves up to even more grace. 

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17th Thursday English: the Old Tabernacle; the New Tabenacle

This homily was given at St. Luke's.  The Gospel was Mt 13:47-53.  In the Old Testament we see a shadow of our new tabernacle which houses the living God.  How much more so should we have faith now. 

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