Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Thursday, April 30, 2015

4th Easter Monday Spanish: Todos odiamos a alguien

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 10:1-10.  Todos odiamos a alguien, pero aun a esas personas, Dios las puede convertir. 

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4th Easter Monday English: Everyone hates someone

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:1-10.  God challenges us to go preach to those we hate the most...

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4th Easter Tuesday English: the Memorial of St. Peter Chanel

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:22-30.  Our lives are in the hand of God, as we see with the Apostles and St. Peter Chanel that we never know the meaning of our life until we get to Heaven. 

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4th Easter Sunday Spanish: "Yo Soy el Buen Pastor"

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio es Juan 10:11-18.  Quieren conocer a Jesus? Conozcamos lo que el nos dice de el mismo!

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4th Easter Sunday English: "I am the Good Shepherd"

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:11-18.  Jesus tells us who he is, let us listen so as to know Him more deeply.

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3rd Easter Tuesday English: speaking the truth

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:30-35.  St. Stephen inspires us to speak the truth, may we be faithful to this inspiration. 

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3rd Easter Monday Spanish: San Esteban nuestro Heroe

Esta homilia se dio en San Francis de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:22-29.  Se escucha sencillo lo que pide Jesus, que creamos en el, pero hacer que las personas crean es de lo mas dificil.   

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3rd Easter Monday English: the glory of St. Stephen

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:22-29.  St. Stephen is both a personal hero but also a hero of our faith.

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Friday, April 24, 2015

3rd Easter Sunday English: the face of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  We pray, "Lord let your face shine on us..."

If we have the faith to see it, we can see the face of Jesus in our daily lives. 

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Monday, April 20, 2015

2nd Easter Friday: the miracles of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:1-15.  Jesus can perform miracles in the Gospel and in our lives. 

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2nd Easter Monday Spanish: El poder de lo que hace Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:1-8.  Los Apostoles rezaban con tanto fervor que temblaba el templo...y porque nosotros no?

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2nd Easter Monday: Earth Shaking Prayer!!!!!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:1-8.  The Apostles set the example for us with their incredible prayer...may the Holy Spirit inspire the same type of prayer in us. 

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2nd Easter Tuesday: St. Lidwina is awesome

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:7-15.  Today we honor St. Lidiwina, a saint from Holland, that we may be born again and imitate saints like her. 

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Easter Sunday Spanish: el poder de la Resurreccion.

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 20:1-9.  Nuestros cuerpos pueden compartir en el poder de Jesus resucitado. 

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Easter Sunday English: the power of the Resurrection

This homily was given at St Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 20:1-9. Our bodies can share in the power of the Resurrection.

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