Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Thursday, December 24, 2015

4th Monday Advent English: the Intimate relationship of Christians

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 1:39-45.  Jesus wants us to have a deep and intimate relationship with him.  

Check out this episode!

4th Sunday English: Simbamgabi Mass

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 1:39-45.  As we celebrate our annual Simbamgabi Mass, we need to share our culture with a culture that is having difficulties.  

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4th Sunday Spanish: Necesitamos a Maria

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Lk 1:39-45.  Si necesitamos un plato para cargar nuestra comida, que tanto mas necesitamos a Maria para cargar a Jesus.  

Check out this episode!

Sunday, December 20, 2015

3rd Monday Advent English: memorial of St. John of the Cross

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was MT 21:23-27.  John of the Cross invites us to spiritual heights that many of us are completely unaware even exist.  

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3rd Sunday in Advent English: Rejoice in the Lord

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 3:10-18.  Real spiritual joy is deeper and an invitation to a deeper relationship with the Lord.  

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Guadalupe 2015: los milagros que nos hace/ Our Lady heals divisions

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  The Blessed mother comes to heal divisions that are humanly impossible to heal.  

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Immaculate Conception 2015 English: Hers versus Ours conception

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  God cleansed the Virgin Mary from the first moment of our conception so that we could have our fist moment healed by her.  

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2nd Monday Advent English: a Faith that seeks Miracles

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was LK 5:17-26.  Jesus goes throughout his ministry doing miracles and so by example shows us that we should ask him to work these in our lives.  

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1st Friday Advent English: memorial of St. John of Damascus

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 9:27-31.  St. John taught us that we can and must worship God in and through the physical world.  

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1st Thursday Advent English: Building our house on Rock

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 7:21;24-27.  Jesus invites us to build our house on Rock by obeying his commands for our way of life.  

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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

1st Monday Advent English: the feast of St. Andrew

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 4:18-22.  St. Andrew was called to be a fisher of men...are we courageous enough to accept that invitation as well?

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1st Domingo de Adviento: el Desierto Mariano

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Lk 21:25-28, 34-36.

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1st Sunday Advent English: the Marian Desert

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 21:25-28, 34-36.  Advent like Lent is a desert...but there is someone else guiding us...the Blessed Mother...

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Thanksgiving: giving thanks for what Jesus has done

This homily was given at St. Luke on Thanksgiving day.  Our faith can be deeply rooted in what we celebrate today.  

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34th Monday English: Trust in the Lord with all your heart

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 21:1-4.  We are invited to lean into God and trust in him for all our needs.  

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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cristo Rey: el reinado de Jesus en la tierra

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Jn 18:33-37.  Jesus viene a establecer su reinado y nos invita a extenderlo en nuestra parte del mundo.  

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33rd Thursday English: What makes for peace

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 19:41-44.  What makes for peace...it's doing the will of God and being faithful to him.  

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33rd Monday English: Persecution in our Time

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 18:35-43.  We are greatly challenged in our identity as Catholics in our country, let the example of the faithful Jews spur us on to be faithful to Jesus.  

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Christ the King English: the Kingdom of God on Earth

This Homily was given at St. Luke the Evangelist.  The Gospel was Jn 18:33-37.  Jesus comes to establish his kingdom and invites us to further it here on Earth.  

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 13, 2015

32nd Sunday Spanish: El mensaje escondido

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Mk 12:38-44.  No es tan obvio el mensaje que Jesus nos da en este evangelio.  Escuchen para entender lo que esta escondido.  

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32nd Sunday English: the hidden meaning

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 12:38-44.  All is not as obvious as you would initially think.  Let's look closer to see what is really going on.  

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31st Friday English: Divine Prudence

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 16:1-8.  How can we have the same type of prudence had by the man in Jesus' parable?

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31st Thursday English: Having the Crazy love God has

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 15:1-10.  God has a love for us that we simply do not have even for ourselves.  

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All Souls English: the Poor Souls

This homily was given at St Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 6:37-40.  Today we celebrate one of the beautiful feasts of the Church: All Souls.  Listen to learn to how to pray and help them!

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Monday, November 2, 2015

30th Thursday English: the Faith of Jesus & St. Paul

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 13:31-35.  Jesus and St. Paul have such great faith that we hear manifest in the things that they say.  Friendship with God is what allows us to have the same faith as them. 

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30th Monday English: Spiritual & Physical Healing

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 13:10-17.  Luke, the physician, is able to differentiate between the different types of healings that Jesus does.  From this, we can learn the type of healing that we need in our life. 

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30th Sunday Spanish: La Fe de Bartimeo

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Mk 10:46-52.  Tenemos que examinar la fe de Bartimeo en detalle para poder imitar su fe y ver esos mismos milagros en nuestras propias vidas.  

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30th Sunday English: the faith of Blind Bartimeus

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 10:46-52.  We must examine Bartimeus' faith in detail so that we may imitate him and receive the same healing in our own lives.  

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29th Thursday English: the strong faith of Jesus

This was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 13:31-35.  Jesus and Paul are firm in their faith in ways that we are not.  Therefore we must develop our relationship with God through prayer so as to have inmoveable faith.  

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29th Monday English: Spiritual & Physical Healing

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 13:10-17.  St. Luke gives us the difference between the different types of healings that Jesus will do.  Here we see an example in today's Gospel.  

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Sunday, October 18, 2015

28th Friday English: the memorial of St. Margaret Mary

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 12:1-7.  St. Margaret Mary received the revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and so invites to come to know this compassionate and merciful heart. 

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28th Thursday English: the memorial of St. Teresa of Avila

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 11:47-54.  St. Teresa gives the church the great gift of teaching us how to advance in prayer.  

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28th Monday English: the sign of Jonah

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 11:29-32.  Jesus is the fulfillment of Jonah and invites us to be as well.  

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28th Sunday Spanish: Vende lo que Tienes

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue MC 10:17-30.  Jesus le manda a ese joven y de consequecia a nosotros que vendamos lo que tenemos y lo sigamos.  

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28th Sunday English: Sell what you have...

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 10:17-30.  Jesus gives a command that has echoed throughout the centuries...Sell what you have...and follow me...

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27th Friday English: Jesus misunderstood

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 11:15-26.  Jesus is often misunderstood because of his intelligence, let us listen to him slowly.  

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27th Thursday English: the memorial of St. Teresa of Avila

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 11;47-54.  St. Teresa teaches us a sure way of growing in our prayer life through her writings.  

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Tuesday, October 6, 2015

27th Monday English: a compassionate heart

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 10:25-37.  A compassionate heart, like God the Father's is what we should search after.  

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26th Saturday English: Rejoicing in the Father

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 10:17-24.  We are given two separate but important lessons about our relationship with God the Father.  

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26th Monday English: the East & the West

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 9:46-50.  How does Jesus draw together such different types of people?

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

24th Monday English: Jesus invites us to share in the Cross

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 3:13-17.  Jesus invites us to unite our sufferings to his on the Cross. 

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24th Sunday Spanish: Cargar con nuestra cruz

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio de hoy fue Mk 8:27-35.  Para ser discipulo de Jesus, tenemos que cargar con nuestra cruz.  

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23rd Friday English: 14th anniversary of 9/11

This was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 6:39-42.  The path to peace cannot be through violence, but rather it must be through forgiveness and the path of Jesus.  

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23rd Thursday English: Heartfelt Compassion

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 6:27-38.  Of the many things St. Paul mentions, let's focus on the first one: heartfelt compassion.

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23rd Tuesday English: the Birth of the Blessed Mother

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 1:1-16, 18-23.  In India today they are celebrating the Blessed Mother's birthday with great festivites, we too should celebrate with our whole soul the great things God has done.  

Check out this episode!

23rd Monday English: Labor Day

In all that we do, both our work & play, we are creating with God a more beautiful earth and His Kingdom.  

Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 6, 2015

23rd Sunday English: Jesus Challenges us to Change

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 7:31-37.  Jesus challenged the Jewish leaders to change and they refused...may we NOT do the same.

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22nd Thursday English: Peter encounters Jesus

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 5:1-11.  Peter encounters Jesus in a profound way...have we?

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22nd Monday English: No Prophet accepted in their native place

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Lk 4:16-30.  Why don't we accept native prophets? This native prophet will with God...work some miracles.  

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21st Thursday English: Memorial of St. Monica

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 24:42-51.  We are nothing if we do not pray, and if we pray, we can become great saints like St. Monica.  

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21st Monday English: Feast of St. Bartholomew

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 1:45-51.  Jesus knows the inner depth of Nathanael and knows us as well.  May we respond to Jesus just as Nathanael did. 

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 24, 2015

21st Sunday Spanish: Amistad con Jesus en la Eucaristia

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:60-69.  Jesus tomo cuerpo para dejarnes su cuerpo en la Eucaristia y de esa manera facilitar una amistad con el.  

Check out this episode!

21st Sunday English: Friendship with Jesus in the Eucharist

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 6:60-69.  Jesus took on flesh and left us the Eucharist so that we could more easily be friends with him.  

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20th Friday English: Memorial of St. Pius X

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 22:34-40.  St. Pius X's answer to Modernism was a child-like love for Jesus in the Eucharist.  

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20th Thursday English: Memorial of St. Bernard

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 22:1-14.  Let us love the Virgin Mary as St. Bernard did. 

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20th Monday English: Treasure when following Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 19:16-22.  For those that do give up earthly things to follow Jesus, he gives Heavenly wealth.  

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Friday, August 14, 2015

19th Friday English: the feast of St. Maximilian Kolbe

This homily was given at St. Luke.  St. Maximilian gave his life for another man thereby showing us the love of Jesus in our modern day.  This heroism was borne out of this love for the Virgin Mary.  Get to know this beautiful saint.  

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19th Thursday English: Christian Forgiveness

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 18:21-19:1.  How do we as Christians forgive in the way that Jesus teaches? By coming to the Cross of Jesus!

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19th Monday English: feast of St. Laurence

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 12:24-26.  If we have the courage to give our lives to Jesus, we will bear much fruit like St. Laurence. 

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19th Domingo EspaƱol: la carne de Jesus -verdadera comida

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:41-51.  Jesus nos entrega su carne como comida espiritual.  Tanto como hay comida fisica, ha la comida espiritual.

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19th Sunday English: the flesh of Jesus -true food

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 6:41-51.  We need physical food but we also need spiritual food.  Jesus' flesh is that true spiritual food. 

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18th Saturday English: memorial of St. Dominic

This homily was given at St. Luke. The Gospel was Mt 17:14-20.  St Dominic established a religous community that still exists to this day and has greatly influenced the world.  What was his secret? The Rosary!  May we pray this beautiful prayer that Heaven gave to us through him. 

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19th Tuesday English: Memorial of St Claire

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 18:1-5, 12-14.  St Claire had a phenomenal faith in Jesus which gave her tremendous courage.  This was especially true in the Eucharist.  Let us imitate her faith so that we can overcome our enemies as well. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 7, 2015

18th Thursday English: the Transfiguration

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 9:2-10.  In the difficult moments of life, we need mountaintop experiences to survive.

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17th Friday English: the memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola

This homily was given at St. Luke.  Today we celebrate the memorial of St. Ignatius, who taught us the spiritual practice of repetition.  Here we go back to places where God has given grace so that we can open ourselves up to even more grace. 

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17th Thursday English: the Old Tabernacle; the New Tabenacle

This homily was given at St. Luke's.  The Gospel was Mt 13:47-53.  In the Old Testament we see a shadow of our new tabernacle which houses the living God.  How much more so should we have faith now. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

17th Monday English: What are our Idols?

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 13:31-35.  How easily and quickly we forget God's glory and worship all types of idols! What are our idols??

Check out this episode!

17th Sunday Spanish: Las Sobras de Dios

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:1-15.  Dios es tan generoso, que nuestras sobras son suficiente para el resto del mundo. 

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17th Sunday English: God's Fragments

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Jn 6:1-15.  Jesus is and should be our hero.  God's generosity shines through Him so much that the fragments leftover are enough to feed the world. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 24, 2015

16th Friday English: memorial of St. Sharbel

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 13:18-23.  St. Sharbel is a wonderful example of holiness through his prayer & self-denial.  We still benefit from the life he lived 150 years ago. 

Check out this episode!

16th Thursday English: Approach God without Fear

This homily as given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 13:10-17.  In former times, God approached the human race in ways that caused great fear in us.  Why? To get our attention...now he wants us to draw nearer through the simplicity and humility of Jesus and the Mass. 

Check out this episode!

16th Monday English: Deep Trust in God

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 12:38-42.  The first reading shows us the difficulty in trusting God.  It's not as easy as we think. 

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Friday, July 17, 2015

15th Friday English: Why?

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 12:1-8.  Why does God require some of the things he asks of us?

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15th Thursday English: God's relationship with Humanity

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 11:28-30.  God begins a relationship with Moses and wants to continue it with us. 

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15th Monday English: the Sword of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mt 10:34-11:1.  Jesus speaks of a sword that he will bring: it's the sword of our decision to follow or not follow God. 

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15th Sunday Spanish: Cual es tu Mision?

Esta homilia se dio en San Lucas.  El evangelio fue Mk 6:7-13.  Creemos que los misioneros tienen mision, pero nos damos cuenta que cada persona bautizada es un misionero con mision? Cual es la tuya?

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15th Sunday English: What is your mission?

This homily was given at St. Luke.  The Gospel was Mk 6:7-13.  We don't often ask ourselves or believe that God has a mission from us apart from who we are or the job we have.  What is your mission?

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

13th Tuesday English: the Storms of Life & Culture

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 8:23-27.  God shows his providential care by mirroring in the Gospels what happens in our culture & lives. 

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13th Monday Espanol: la Cultura y la Palabra de Dios

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mt 16:13-19.  Tanto como fue dificil para Pedro proclamar su fe en Jesus entonces, asi sera dificil para nosotros profesar nuestra fe publicamente. 

Check out this episode!

13th Monday English: the Culture & the Gospel

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 16:13-19.  The Readings of today reflect perfectly the type of allegience that Jesus wants from us.  Are we willing to give it?

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13th Sunday English: Resistance to Healing

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 5:21-43.  Sometimes we are the ones who are obstacles in God doing healing in us. 

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13th Sunday Espanol: Miedo de Sanacion

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mk 5:21-43.  A veces nosotros mismos somos los que no queremos o ponemos obstaculos en buscar sanacion. 

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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

12th Monday English: we cannot judge

This homily was given at St Francis de Sales  The Gospel was Mt 7:1-5.  We can never know the full situation, therefore we should never judge other people's situation. 

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12th Sunday English: el Padre hace la diferencia

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mk 4:35-41.  Que tiene Jesus que no tiene los demas?  El Padre.  Entonces tengamos al Padre tambien.

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11th Saturday English: Trust in Jesus, don't worry

This homily was given at St Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 6:24-34.  We cannot worry, rather we must put all our efforts in finding God and his kingdom. 

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9th Tuesday English: God in daily life

This homily was given at St Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was from Mark.  God is found and can be found in daiky life if we seek to find him. 

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9th Monday Spanish: el metodo de Libertad es el secreto de esta misa

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mk 12:13-17.  Libertad es el metodo que se usa en nuestra misa donde uno renuncia los pecados y espiritus que nos afecta para que tengamos libertad. 

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9th Monday English: fear of the Lord is freedom

This homily was given at St Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 12:13-17.  Fear of the Lord is freedom from sin.

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Domingo de Trinidad 2015: El Milagro de Lourdes

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mt 28:16-20.  Comparto esta mañana el milagro de Lourdes que yo experimente hace 10 años. 

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8th Monday Spanish: El Llamado de Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 10:17-27.  Jesus hace este llamado, hay personas hoy en dia que todavia responden?

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8th Monday English: the call of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 10:17-27.  The story of my friend Alexia shows someone who truly answered Jesus' challenge and invitation. 

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Pentecostes 2015: El Espiritu nos puede Cambiar

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 15:26-27, 16:12-15.  Cuando nuestra fe esta seca, el Espiritu nos aviva!!

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Pentecost 2015: Hungry for the Holy Spirit

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 15:26-27, 16:12-15.  We have to experience the Holy Spirit for ourselves and not just know about Him. 

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Saturday, May 30, 2015

7th Easter Friday English: Jesus & Peter

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 21:15-19.  Jesus and Peter have such a beautiful relationship that we can learn so much from them.

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 25, 2015

7th Easter Tuesday English: the heart of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 17:1-11.  From these two speeches and prayers we come to know the heart of Paul & Jesus. 

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7th Easter Monday Spanish: Conoces el Espiritu Santo?

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 16:29-33.  Tenemos que conocer el Espiritu Santo tanto de mente como de corazon. 

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7th Easter Monday English: do we know the Holy Spirit?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 16:29-33.  Let's go get some coffee with the Holy Spirit. 

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Ascencion 2015 Spanish: Los llenare de fortaleza

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mk 16:15-20.  Jesus se va al ciela para llenarnos del Espiritu Santo.  Que recibamos todo lo que nos puede dar.



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Thursday, May 21, 2015

6th Easter Tuesday: true Love for Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 16:5-11.  Why don't we see miracles in our lives as Paul does? Are we courages enough to ask Jesus that question?

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6th Easter Monday Spanish: El Rosario nos Cambia

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 15:26-16:4.  La vieja imagen es dificil de cambian si no ponemos la imagen de Jesus y Maria dentro de nosotros. 

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6th Easter Monday English: Testify to Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 15:26-16:4.  How doe we change if we have the Old image inside us so deeply?

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6th Easter Sunday Spanish: La Virgen de Fatima

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco De Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 15:9-17.  Este dia comparti sobre la Virgen de Fatima y su mensaje al mundo. 

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Monday, May 11, 2015

5th Tuesday Easter English: Do not let your hearts be troubled!!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:27-31.  It's easy to hear Jesus call us to be at peace, but in life's difficult situations...it's not easy at all. 

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5th Easter Monday Spanish: Sean Generosos como Dios!!

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 14:21-26.  Dios es tan generoso con nostros, seamos igual con los demas. 

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5th Easter Monday English: Share!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:21-26.  God shares all that he has with us...how much more should we!!

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Friday, May 8, 2015

5th Easter Sunday Spanish: Seamos Fructiferos con Jesus

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 15:1-8.  Tenemos que ser fructiferos pero solo con Jesus.

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5th Easter Sunday English: Be Fruitful with Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 15:1-8.  We are invited to be fruitful with and through Jesus!

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4th Easter Friday English: Jesus is the Way

This Gospel was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:1-6.  Jesus gives us guidance to help us be free from so many things. 

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

4th Easter Monday Spanish: Todos odiamos a alguien

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 10:1-10.  Todos odiamos a alguien, pero aun a esas personas, Dios las puede convertir. 

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4th Easter Monday English: Everyone hates someone

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:1-10.  God challenges us to go preach to those we hate the most...

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4th Easter Tuesday English: the Memorial of St. Peter Chanel

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:22-30.  Our lives are in the hand of God, as we see with the Apostles and St. Peter Chanel that we never know the meaning of our life until we get to Heaven. 

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4th Easter Sunday Spanish: "Yo Soy el Buen Pastor"

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio es Juan 10:11-18.  Quieren conocer a Jesus? Conozcamos lo que el nos dice de el mismo!

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4th Easter Sunday English: "I am the Good Shepherd"

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:11-18.  Jesus tells us who he is, let us listen so as to know Him more deeply.

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3rd Easter Tuesday English: speaking the truth

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:30-35.  St. Stephen inspires us to speak the truth, may we be faithful to this inspiration. 

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3rd Easter Monday Spanish: San Esteban nuestro Heroe

Esta homilia se dio en San Francis de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 6:22-29.  Se escucha sencillo lo que pide Jesus, que creamos en el, pero hacer que las personas crean es de lo mas dificil.   

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3rd Easter Monday English: the glory of St. Stephen

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:22-29.  St. Stephen is both a personal hero but also a hero of our faith.

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Friday, April 24, 2015

3rd Easter Sunday English: the face of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  We pray, "Lord let your face shine on us..."

If we have the faith to see it, we can see the face of Jesus in our daily lives. 

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Monday, April 20, 2015

2nd Easter Friday: the miracles of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:1-15.  Jesus can perform miracles in the Gospel and in our lives. 

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2nd Easter Monday Spanish: El poder de lo que hace Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:1-8.  Los Apostoles rezaban con tanto fervor que temblaba el templo...y porque nosotros no?

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2nd Easter Monday: Earth Shaking Prayer!!!!!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:1-8.  The Apostles set the example for us with their incredible prayer...may the Holy Spirit inspire the same type of prayer in us. 

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2nd Easter Tuesday: St. Lidwina is awesome

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:7-15.  Today we honor St. Lidiwina, a saint from Holland, that we may be born again and imitate saints like her. 

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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Easter Sunday Spanish: el poder de la Resurreccion.

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 20:1-9.  Nuestros cuerpos pueden compartir en el poder de Jesus resucitado. 

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Easter Sunday English: the power of the Resurrection

This homily was given at St Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 20:1-9. Our bodies can share in the power of the Resurrection.

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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Tuesday Holy Week: reliving the mystery of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 13:21-33.  We are offered the priviledge of reliving the life of Jesus and the surrounding drama.  What role will you play?

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Lunes Semana Santa: las cosas pequenas de la vida de Jesus

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 12:1-11.  Estos dias de semana santa, como muchas cosas eran los dias ordinarios para Jesus. 

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Monday of Holy Week: the ordinary things of Jesus' life

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  Jn 12:1-11.  Sometimes it's the little things that are the most important. 

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Domingo de Ramos: la Valentia de Jesus

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El Evangelio fue Mk 14:1.  Imaginese la valentia de Jesus al entrar en su semana tan dificil con tanta celebracion.

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Palm Sunday English: the courage of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 14:1 and following.  Imagine that Jesus entered into his most difficult week with such joy and courage! 

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Thursday, March 26, 2015

4th Friday Lent: True Holiness

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30.  Jesus shows us his courage in facing his persecution and sets an example for us. 

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4th Tuesday Lent: one person makes a difference

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 5:1-16.  One person can make a difference...if only we really understood this. 

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4th Monday Lent: Jesus heals through Science & Religion

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 4:43-54.  Jesus heals through science and through faith. 

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Monday, March 16, 2015

4th Sunday Lent English: God so loved the world

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:14-21.  Do you really know the love that God has for you?

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4th Sunday Lent Spanish: Tanto Amo Dios al Mundo

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Jn 3:14-21.  Dios tanto amo al mundo que entrego su unico hijo.  Sabes tu eso?

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3rd Tuesday Lent English: Forgiveness as a path to Heaven

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 18:21-35.  Jesus teaches us through the parable that forgiveness is a way that we can enter Heaven without passing through Purgatory. 

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3rd Monday Lent Spanish: Jesus sana a todos

Esta homila se dio en San Francisco de sales.  El evangelio fue Lk 4:24-30.  Jesus tiene poder hasta los que no creen en el. 

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3rd Monday Lent English: the healing of foreigners

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 4:24-30.  Jesus heals first those who don't even believe in him.  This should put us to shame!

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Monday, March 9, 2015

1st Sunday Lent Spanish: las prueba del desierto.

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales. El Evangelio fue Marcos 1:12-15. En el desierto, aunque no hay nada, hay pruebas para que seamos purificados de nuestros pecados. 

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2nd Friday Lent English: the story of Joseph

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:33-43, 45-46.  The Story of Joseph is a beautiful story of God's freedom and miracles in our lives. 

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2nd Tuesday Lent: True Healing

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 23:1-12.  The wounds that we have keep us from properly helping others.  This is most true for spiritual leaders. 

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Friday, March 6, 2015

2nd Sunday Lent English: the Desert is a testing place

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 9:2-10.  The Desert is a place of nothingness and testing.  Get ready!

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2nd Sunday Lent Spanish: Que pasa en el Desierto de Jesus?

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mrk 9:2-10.  El desierto es un lugar de mucha prueba.  De esa manera revivimos lo que Jesus vivio. 

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2nd Monday Lent English: Be Merciful as your Heavenly Father is!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 6:36-38.  Jesus invites us to show mercy to others as we ask for it ourselves from God the Father. 

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2nd Monday Lent Spanish: Sean Misericordiosos

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Lk 6:36-38.  Jesus nos pide que seamos misericordiosos con los demas. 

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Friday, February 27, 2015

1st Monday Lent English: on what will we be judged

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 25:31-46.  On what will we be judged when we face the Lord? How do we enter Heaven? Jesus gives us the answer pretty clearly here...

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1st Monday Lent Spanish: como seremos juzgado?

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio fue Mt 25:31-46.  Como seremos juzgados? Como se entra en el cielo? Jesus nos dice muy claramente!!

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1st Tuesday Lent English: the Word of God does its work

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 6:7-15.  God wants us to speak from our hearts. 

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1st Sunday Lent English: 40 days in the desert

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 1:12-15. 

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Friday after Ash Wednesday: the Important Things

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 9:14-15.  Why don't we do the important things that God wants us to do?

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Miercoles de Ceniza: tiempo con Dios

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales.  El evangelio era Mt 6:1-6.  La Cuaresma es tiempo con Dios aparte. 

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Ash Wednesday 2015: let Lent begin

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 6:1-6.  Lent is that silent time with God. 

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6th Tuesday English: the signs of God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 8:14-21.  God speaks to us all the time through signs that we can understand...if we have eyes to see. 

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6th Monday Spanish: el pecado de la Envidia

Esta homilia se dio en San Francisco de Sales. El Evangelio era Mk 8:11-13.  Dios nos ama no por lo que tenemos sino por quien El es. 

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6th Monday English: the sin of Envy

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 8:11-13.  God loves because of who He is. 

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

6th Sunday English: 7 new ideas for Lent

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  We tend to do the same thing and expect different results, rather let's do something new for Lent and have the best Lent of our lives. 

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