Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Navidad 2014 Espanol: Nos ha nacido un hijo

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 1:18-25.  Sabemos que la Navidad se trata de Jesus y no de las cosas materiales.  Pero porque quizo nacer Dios como un varon?  Que esa respuesta a la pregunta nos haga reflexionar. 

Check out this episode!

Christmas 2014 English: A Son is born to us

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 1:18-25.  Jesus was born as a male.  Why is that? What does that teach us about us as men & women.  May his birth as male heal and save us!!

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4th Tuesday Advent English: Meditating on the life of Jesus & Mary

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:57-66.  Today I shared about a book I made on the Rosary with the mediations from the Scriptures and from Bl. Anne Cathering Emmerich.  You may email me at alvaro_interiano@yahoo.com if you want it.  It's in PDF format. 

Check out this episode!

4th Monday Advent Spanish: la Alegria que Dios nos da

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:46-56.  Dios nos da una alegria que nadie o nada mas nos puede dar.  Compartamosla. 

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4th Monday Advent English: the irreplaceable joy that God gives

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:46-56.  Mary's soul rejoices because she is in the Lord.  Let us bring those who are not in the Lord to Him that he may give them the same joy we have. 

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4th Sunday Advent English: our mission from our birth

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  Our mission can be seen even from the story of our birth, as we can also see from the life of Jesus.  Therefore go and learn all that God did when you were born. 

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4th Sunday Advent Spanish: Nuestra mision de Nacimiento

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  Si podemos ver la mision de Jesus desde su nacimiento, tambien lo sabremos del nuestro.  Aprendamos ese cuento. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 18, 2014

3rd Sunday of Advent English: our identity in Jesus & Mary

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 1:6-8, 19-28.  If we want to know who we are, we need to know this in Jesus & Mary out in the desert of silence. 

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3rd Sunday of Advent English: our identity in Jesus & Mary

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 1:6-8, 19-28.  Como podemos conocer quien somos? Estando en el desierto con Jesus y Maria y viendo a sus ojos...nos conocemos quien somos. 

Check out this episode!

3rd Monday of Advent English: A Star shall Rise

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:23-27.  Balaam tells us that a "star shall rise" in order to lead us to Jesus. 

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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

2nd Friday of Advent Spanish: the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  Esta es una fiesta de celebracion, una fiesta de victoria, y una fiesta del amor de la Virgen y de Dios hacia nosotros. 

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2nd Tuesday Advent English: the Power of God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 18:12-14.  The Power of God is seen so beautifull in Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

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Immaculate Conception Spanish: Celebremos a la Virgen

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  Tenemos mas razon por que celebrar entonces celebremos a la Virgen Maria!

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Immaculate Conception English: the Miraculous Medal

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  The Miraculous Medal is a beautiful way to allow Mary's Immaculate Conception to affect you now!

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2nd Sunday of Advent Spanish: El Poder de las Novenas

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 1:1-8.  El poder de las novenas, y no las novelas, nos acerca a Dios y nos Baja las bendiciones del cielo!

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2nd Sunday of Advent English: Preparation through Prayer

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 1:1-8.  Prayer is one of the most wonderful ways that we can prepare for the coming of the Lord in Christmas. 

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Saturday, December 6, 2014

1st Tuesday Advent English: A Shoot shall Blossom

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 10:21-24.  In the stumps of our lives, God can bring beautiful shoots and growth. 

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1st Monday Advent Spanish: Misa de Sanacion

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 8:5-11.  Dios nos quiere sanar, unos de los obstaculos para esa sanacion son las ataduras que tenemos con lo Oculto.  Renunciemos todo eso!

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1st Monday Advent English: How can we "sell" Jesus better?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 8:5-11.  From all nations will come believers in Jesus, how do we "sell" him to everyone? How do we find what other cultures love and direct it towards Jesus?

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1st Sunday Advent English: Be Ready!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 13:33-37.  We must be ready at all times for know not when the Lord will come. 

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Tuesday, December 2, 2014

34th Tuesday English: memorial of St. Catherine of Alexandria

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  We ask for the great intercession of this obscure but wonderful saint!

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34th Monday Spanish: La Sangre de los Martires

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  Como se hace uno martir? Hay que tomar todas las oportunidades que Dios nos da. 

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34th Monday English: Vietnamese Martyrs

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  Although the Martyrs went through difficulties, they are happy that they did so in virtue of the rewards of Heaven. 

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Christ the King: Jesus your financial advisor

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  We have this title of "the King" but we don't even know what that is.  We have never experienced this.  Think rather of Jesus as your financial advisor that is wanting you to give your money to the poor. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, November 21, 2014

33rd Monday English: memorial of St. Elizabeth of Hungary

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 18:35-43.  God's power is such that he bring power in any situation. 

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33rd Sunday Spanish: El Temor de Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 25:14-30.  El mideo es un obstaculo para hacer la voluntad de Dios.  Lo vemos en el evangelio de hoy, que este sea un impulso para renunciar los miedos que tenemos. 

Check out this episode!

33rd Sunday English: Fear of the Lord

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 25:14-30.  How many fears we have is a great indicator of how close we are to Jesus...how many fears do you have?

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33rd Tuesday English: the Sycamore Tree

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 18:35-43.  Sometimes we need a little help to see Jesus.  The sycamore helped Zacceus, the saints help us. 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

32nd Monday Spanish: Corregir a los demas es Caridad

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 17:1-6.  Jesus nos invita a algo bien dificil: corregir a los demas. 

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32nd Monday English: Correct your Brothers & Sisters

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 17:1-6.  We are invited to correct one another out of love for Jesus.  How blessed are we when we have such courage. 

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Lateran Spanish: Jesus, la Nueva Religion

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 2:13-22.  Jesus viene a destruir las viejas religiones y a darnos algo nuevo. 

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Dedication of Lateran English: Jesus the New Religion

This homily was given at St. Francis de sales.  The Gospel was Jn 2:13-22.  Jesus came to end old religions and give us something new. 

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Friday, November 7, 2014

All Souls Spanish: the Power of Forgiveness

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:37-40.  El Perdon el algo que va a dejar caer las sanaciones de Dios en nuestras vidas.

Check out this episode!

31st Monday English: the beauty of Purgatory

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 14:12-14.  What can we learn about Purgatory & how to help those in Purgatory. 

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All Souls English: the Power of Forgiveness

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 6:37-40.  Forgiveness is not only what Jesus asks of us, but the key to Heaven and the key to happiness. 

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

30th Saturday English: feast of All Saints!!!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 5:1-12.  How do we become saints anyway....??

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30th Tuesday English: Jesus spent the night in Prayer

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 6:12-16.  Jesus gives us the awesome example of spending the night in prayer.  We too need this intense time with the Father.

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30th Spanish Monday: Dios nos quiere Sanar

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 10:13-17.  Si supieramos lo tanto que Dios nos quiere sanar...que amor le tuvieramos.

Check out this episode!

30th Monday English: God wants to Heal us

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 13:10-17.  If we only knew the healing beauty of God...how much more we would love Him.

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30th Sunday Spanish: el Amor empieza en la Mente

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales. The Gospel was Mt 22:33-40.  Jesus nos dice que debemos amar a Dios...pero el amor empieza en la mente. 

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30th Sunday English: Love begins in the Mind

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:33-40.  Jesus challenges us to love God with our whole being....yet love begins with the mind.

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 24, 2014

29th Tuesday Spanish: Are you Ready?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 12:35-38.  Jesus challenges us to be spiritually ready despite our material readiness. 

Check out this episode!

29th Monday Spanish: Lo que le importa a Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 12:13-21.  Que le importa a Dios...que vendamos lo que tenemos y que demos limosnas. 

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29th Monday English: what matters to God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales. The Gospel was Lk 12:13-21.  What matters to God is to sell our belongings and give alms. 

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29th Sunday English: learning to flow with God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:33-40.  God is not in competition with us, rather he is our friend.  We should flow with him and allow our lives to be filled with him. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, October 17, 2014

28th Tuesday English: the power of faith in Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 11:37-41.  Our traditions have power only in so far as we trust in Jesus.  He is the source and power of our faith.  

Check out this episode!

28th Monday Spanish: La Nueva Alianza

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 11:29-32.  La Eucaristia es la manera que entramos en la nueva familia de Dios.  Pero tambien tenemos que remover todo lo que nos ata a otras alianzas.  

Check out this episode!

28th Monday English: the Covenant of God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 11:29-32.  When we share in the Eucharist we participate in the new family of God established by Jesus' new covenant.  

Check out this episode!

28th Sunday English: the Final Judgement - be ready

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:1-14.  All of our life is a preparation for this meeting with Jesus.  The Rosary is a powerful way to prepare and become the people Jesus wants us to be.  

Check out this episode!

28th Sunday Spanish: Infierno, Purgatorio, y Cielo

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:1-14.  Al final de todo, tendremos el juicio de Jesus, y tenemos que estar preparados para decirle si a a amarlo con nuestras vidas.  

Check out this episode!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

27th Tuesday English: Our Lady of the Rosary

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 10:38-42.  The Rosary has been the greatest gift that my grandmother and Heavenly Father gave me.

Check out this episode!

27th Monday Spanish: Jesus es el Buen Samaritano

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was LK 10:25-37.  Jesus nos sana en un proceso de 3 etapas: aceite, vino, y vendas.  Ese represanta a Dios Padre, Hijo, y Espiritu Santo. 

Check out this episode!

27th Monday English: the Beauty of the True Faith in Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 10:25-37.  We cannot follow myths and false religions, rather we follow the Catholic Church...the true faith that Jesus gave us. 

Check out this episode!

27th Sunday English: Have now Anxieties

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:33-43.  Even in our own parish, with our recent fundraiser, God took care of all the details, even the most minute details. 

Check out this episode!

27th Sunday Spanish: Los Dones del Espiritu Santo

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:33-43.  Estamos en las ultima platicas sobre la Fe Catolica.  Hoy visitamos el Espiritu Santo para ver y entender los dones que El nos quiere dar.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

26th Sunday Spanish: La Vida Espiritual

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:28-32.  Estamos en la octava platica que vemos el creecimiento de nuestra vida espiritual. 

Check out this episode!

26th Sunday English: Humily & Accepting our Sins

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:28-32.  Why are we so afraid to admit our sin? The virtue of Humility gives us freedom of heart. 

Check out this episode!

26th Monday English: the Archangels

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 1:47-51.  The Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, & Michael are awesome!! How much better off we would be if we truly prayed to the Angels. 

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 29, 2014

25th Tuesday English: the Memorial of Padre Pio

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 8:19-21.  Today we celebrate a tremendous saint, someone who continues to inspire and guide us with his prayers: Padre Pio.

Check out this episode!

25th Monday Spanish: Somos la Luz del Mundo

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 8:16-18.  Jesus nos invita a ser la luz del Mundo. 

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25th Monday English: Refuse no one Help

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 8:16-18.  We are challenged very much so to help those around us with our excess possesions. 

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25th Sunday English: The Kingdom of Heaven

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 20:1-16.  Jesus gives us so many descriptions of the Kingdom of Heaven, listen to the whole picture of what he means. 

Check out this episode!

25th Sunday Spanish: La Vida Moral y de Amor

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales. The Gospel was Mt 20:1-16.  Hoy estamos en la platica #7 en el que hablamos sobre la vida moral que tenemos que llevar para entrar al reino de los cielos. 

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

24th Sunday English: the journey through the Desert

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was John 3:13-17.  The Jews didn't make it through the desert because they failed to remember the works & love of God for them. 

Check out this episode!

24th Sunday Spanish: Los Santos y Angeles

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:13-17.  En esta sexta platica hablamos sobre los Santos y los Angeles y como son las estrellas de la Iglesia.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 15, 2014

22nd Sunday Spanish: Maria y la Iglesia

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 16:21-27.  Estamos en la quinta en esta serie de Diez.  Hoy estamos viendo la Iglesia que Jesus fundo. 

Check out this episode!

22nd Sunday English: You Seduced me Oh Lord

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 16:21-27.  The Lord wants to seduce us into his arms.  Are you ready to give yourself to Him?

Check out this episode!

Saturday, August 30, 2014

21st Tuesday English: the 2nd Key to the Kingdom

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 23:23-26.  We speak about the 2nd key to enter the Kingdom of God...

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21st Monday Spanish: Las llaves del Reino

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 23:13-22.  Jesus menciona la puertas del cielo.  Cuales son las llaves para entrar?

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21st Monday English: the 1st Key to the Kingdom

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:13-22.  Jesus mentions the keys to the Kingdom...what are those keys???

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21st Sunday Spanish: Jesus..quien es?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 16:14-30.  Jesus es la encarnacion del amor y salvacion de Dios. 

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21st Sunday English: Jesus loves Peter

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 16:13-20.  Why does Jesus pick Peter...let the evidence show itself!

Check out this episode!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

20th Friday English: The Queenship of Mary

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:34-40.  Mary is more Mother than Queen. 

Check out this episode!

20th Monday Spanish: El encuentro con Jesus

The homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 19:16-22.  Jesus nos llama personalmente, tambien como al joven de este evangelio.  Cual es tu llamado?

Check out this episode!

20th Monday English: the Personal call of Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 19:16-22.  Jesus call this man & all of us to different personal calls depending on our vocation!! Listen to what Jesus has for you. 

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20th Sunday Spanish: La Biblia

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 15:21-28.  En este domingo, segimos en nuestro aprendisaje para conocer mas la Biblia. 

Check out this episode!

20th Sunday English: Tone & Context

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales. The Gospel was Mt 15:21-28.  Jesus says some pretty harsh words to the Caananite women...what was the tone & context of what he said. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 15, 2014

19th Tuesday English: the Kingdom belongs to Children

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 18:1-5,10.  The Gospel belongs to children...Jesus initiates a respect and love for children that had not existed until then...

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19th Monday English: memorial of St. Clare of Assisi

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 17:22-27.  St. Clare loved Jesus in the Eucharist and he was her defense against her enemies...may he be the same for us. 

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19th Sunday Spanish: Dios - Trinidad

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 14:22.  Como es Dios? Dios es uno...Dios es Trino...

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19th Sunday English: a still small voice

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 14:22.  Who and how is God...is he a loud earthquake...a violent wind...or a still small voice?

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Thursday, August 7, 2014

18th Monday Spanish: El Memorial de San Juan Vianney

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 14:22-36.  La parroquia de San Juan Vianney trabajo con el para dejar que Dios actuara a traves de el.  Si nosotros hacemos lo mismo, nuestros sacerdotes y nosotros seran santos. 

Check out this episode!

18th Monday English: Memorial of St. John Vianney

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 14:22-26.  We celebrate the memorial of St. John Vianney.  His main instrument of holiness was confession.  How often do we use this beautiful gift?

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

18th Sunday English: Holy Hunger for the Lord

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 14:13-21.  Jesus wants and desires us to be hungry for him?? Are you? Let the Holy Spirit grow this within you!

Check out this episode!

18th Sunday Spanish: Quien y Que es Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 14:13-21.  Este es la primera de diez charlas sobre diferentes temas de nuestra fe Catolica.  Hoy hablamos sobre el tema de Dios. 

Check out this episode!

17th Tuesday English: the memorial of St. Martha

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 10:38-42.  Today was the memorial of St. Martha, my friend.  I joyfully share how I know her!!!

Check out this episode!

17th Monday Spanish: Que tan cerca estamos de Dios?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 13:31-35.  Estamos tan cerca de Dios como nuestros calzones estan a nosotros.  Eso dice la Biblia!!!

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17th Monday English: How close are we to God?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 13:31-35.  We are as close to God as our underwear is to us.  Yes, that's what the Bible says. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

17th Sunday English: the Old and the New

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 13:44-46.  Jesus challenges us to bring the best of what is new and what is old...may we have the grace to listen to Him. 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

16th Sunday Spanish: El Espiritu nos ayuda

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 13:24-30.  El espiritu nos ayuda a rezar en nuestra debilidad. 

Check out this episode!

16th Friday English: Christian Leadership

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 20:20-28.  Jesus brings to the world a different type of leadership, not as the gentiles but as God would have it. 

Check out this episode!

16th Tuesday English: memorial of St. Mary Magdalene

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 20:1-2, 11-18.  The conversation that the risen Jesus has with St. Mary Magdalene is beautiful and intimate; Jesus call us to that same type of relationship. 

Check out this episode!

16th Monday Spanish: Jesus nuestro amigo...nuestro Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 12:38-42.  Jesus quiere ser nuestro amigo...nuestro salvador...pero tambien nuestro Dios.  Lo dejamos?

Check out this episode!

16th Monday English: there is something more here

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 12:38-42.  There is something more here with Jesus present, how awesome if we would only believe that!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

15th Tuesday English: memorial of St. Bonaventure

This homily was given St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 11:20-24.  Today I share the beauty and challenge that the saints present to us. 

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15th Monday Spanish: La Vida de St. Kateri

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 10:34-11:1.  St. Kateri dejo todo incluyendo su familia para seguir a Jesus.  Tiene Jesus esta autoridad y amor sobre nosotros tambien?

Check out this episode!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

15th Monday English: Memorial of St. Kateri

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 10:34-11:1.  St. Kateri teaches a very simple and difficult teaching...that Jesus alone brings us true happiness. 

Check out this episode!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

15th Sunday Spanish: Dios en Nuestras Vidas

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 13:1-23.  Jesus usa parabolas para darnos el mensaje del Reino de los Cielos.  Pero Jesus tambien usa nuestras vidas para darnos ese mensaje. 

Check out this episode!

15th Sunday English: God in our daily lives

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 13:1-23.  Jesus gives a parable that connects to the daily life of the peole infront of him, yet he still does so in our lives. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

15th Sunday English: Investing in your Faith

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 13:1-23.  Jesus speaks to us using analogies that were relevant during his time.  Now we need a new way to understand the Gospel...

Check out this episode!

14th Tuesday English: Laborers for the Vineyard

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 9:32-38.  Jesus asks that we pray to him to send out workers for the vineyard.  Do we pray and help in specific ways those studying to serve the Lord?

Check out this episode!

14th Monday Spanish: Dios nuestro amante

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 9:18-26.  Dios no solo quiere ser nuestro amigo, nuestro creador, nuestro salvador, pero tambien quiere ser nuestro amante!

Check out this episode!

14th Monday English: God our Spouse

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 9:18-26.  God wants to be more than your friend, your creator, & your Lord...he wants to be your lover...

Check out this episode!

Friday, July 11, 2014

14th Sunday Spanish: El descanso de Jesus cuando Rezamos

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 11:25-30.  Jesus nos ofrese paz.  Como la conseguimos? Cuando rezamos, el nos la da!

Check out this episode!

14th Sunday English: Jesus' Yoke is Easy

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 11:25-30.  Jesus' vision for our lives gives us new meaning and more joy than what the world has to offer!

Check out this episode!

14th Sunday English v2.0: the Rest that Jesus came to give us

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt11:25-30.  Jesus offers us rest, but what type?  We need to understand because Jesus also puts us to work!!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

13th Tuesday English: Trust in Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 8:23-27.  We might think that if we were with Jesus in the boat in the middle of the storm that we would be afraid, think again!

Check out this episode!

13th Monday Spanish: Sigueme

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt8:18-22.  Jesus nos dice que lo sigamos de una manera tan autoritaria que tenemos que darnos cuente que el es Dios. 

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13th Friday English: the 4th of July - Freedom!!!!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales. The Gospel was Mt 9:9-13.  Like many of the saints, St. Damien of Molokai shows us what true freedom really is!

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13th Saturday English: the Message of Lourdes

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 9:14-17.  The message of Lourdes is as beautiful as the place: Prayer, Penance, & Purity.  What three beautiful things, if only we knew!

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Monday, July 7, 2014

13th Monday English: first Holy Martyrs of Rome

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 8:18-22. Why would someone give their life for Jesus in the first place?

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Sacred Heart of Jesus 2014

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 11:25-30.  A love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus is at the center of our faith.  This is what it is all about: loving Jesus' heart with our own heart. 

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The Birth of John the Baptist: English

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt7:1-5.  Although priests are in the person of Christ, they are more like the role of St. John the Baptist. 

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Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist: Spanish

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 7:1-5.  Los sacerdotes estan llamados a imitar a San Juan el Bautista: nosotros preparamos el camino para que venga de vuelta Jesus. 

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Saturday, June 7, 2014

7th Easter Friday English: Feed, Tend, Feed my Sheep

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 21:15-19.  Jesus gives this threefold command of ministry but also gives a threefold example just prior.  May we learn from the Master. 

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7th Easter Tuesday English: the Mission of the Church

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 17:1-11.  The Holy Spirit gave the Ugandan Martyrs courage to die for their faith, He also gives us the courage to spread it here in Sharpstown.

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7th Easter Monday Spanish: Segundo aniversario de Sacerdocio

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 16:29-33.  Tendremos problemas en el mundo nos dice Jesus pero el triunfa sobre el mundo. 

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7th Easter Sunday English: Come and Follow me

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 17:1-11.  Jesus tells us to Stay & Wait but also to Go.  Come with me and let's make disciples!

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7th Easter Monday English: 2nd Anniversary of my Priesthood

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 16:29-33.  Priesthood is hard, but Jesus has overcome the world.

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7th Easter Sunday Spanish: Vengan Conmigo!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 17:1-11.  Jesus nos dice que vayamos, entonces, vengan conmigo para evangelizar!!

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Friday, May 30, 2014

6th Easter Tuesday English: the mystery of the Incarnation

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 16:5-11.  Jesus makes clear on the sending of the Holy Spirit that it is through his body that we have access to God's grace. 

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6th Easter Monday English: Memorial Day - Fr. Emil Kapaun

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 15:26.  Today I share the beautiful story of Fr. Emil Kapaun who served as a military chaplain in the USA during WWII. 

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6th Easter Sunday English: Waiting for the Holy Spirit

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:15-21.  We wait for so many things, through suffering, God brings us to wait on the greatest gift: the Holy Spirit.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

5th Easter Tuesday English: The Peace that Jesus Gives

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:27-31.  The peace that Jesus gives is not like the peace of the world. 

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5th Easter Monday English: Love must be Concrete

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:21-26.  Jesus calls us to love one another; to love one another we must in and through our bodies show our love to others. 

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5th Easter Sunday English: We too Serve God through our Lives

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:1-12.  Not only were the first 7 Deacons called to serve God but we too in and through our lives. 

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5th Easter Sunday Spanish: Servimos a Dios en Nuestras Vidas

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 14:1-12.  Los primeros 7 Diaconos estaban llamados a servir a Dios, pero tambien nosotros en las cosas pequenas de nuestras vidas tambien podemos servir a Dios. 

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 19, 2014

4th Easter Tuesday English: Our Lady of Fatima

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:22-30.  Nearly 100 years after Fatima, the message is more relevant than ever. 

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4th Easter Monday Spanish: Vigilia de Fatima

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  THe Gospel was Jn 10:11-18.  Casi 1 siglo despues, todavia el mensaje de Fatima tiene fuerza para cambiar nuestros corazones y vidas. 

Check out this episode!

4th Easter Monday English: Jesus the Good Shepherd

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:11-18.  We take for granted the freedom that Jesus had in being the good shepherd and giving up his life for his sheep. 

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4th Easter Sunday English: Happy Mother's Day!!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:1-10.  Mothers are so wonderful that Jesus gives us 2 more: the Church and the Blessed Mother.

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4th Easter Sunday Spanish: the gift of Mothers

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 10:1-10.  Las madres son un increible regalo tanto que Dios nos da 2 mas: la Iglesia y la Virgen Maria.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

3rd Easter Sunday English: The Scriptures give meaning to our Lives

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 24:13-35.  The Old Testament speaks about the life of Jesus and is fulfilled in him.  Well, it is also fulfilled within our own lives if we have the faith to see it.

Check out this episode!

2nd Easter Tuesday English: memorial of St. Catherine of Siena

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:7-15.  St. Catherine of Siena is an incredible saint whose writing and biography can greatly help us in the spiritual life. 

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 5, 2014

2nd Easter Tuesday Spanish: Oracion de Poder

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:1-8.  Oracion que hace temblar a la Iglesia es el Rosario, ojala lo rezemos mas en nuestra vida.

Check out this episode!

2nd Easter Tuesday English: Prayer that Shakes the Church

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 3:1-8.  A Prayer that shakes is the Rosary...would that we would take it up more often!

Check out this episode!

Monday, April 28, 2014

2nd Sunday Easter English: The Mercy of God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 20:19-31.  Jesus graciously offers us his mercy if only we are open to receive it. 

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2nd Sunday Easter Spanish: La Misericordia de Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 20:19-31.  Jesus quiere regalarnos su misericordia pero tambien tenemos que estar dispuestos y abiertos a recibirlo.  Abramos nuestros corazones a Jesus!!

Check out this episode!

Easter Tuesday English: Living the Resurrection

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 20:11-18.  We celebrate Easter for 8 days so as to enter more deeply into the same experience that the Apostles had. 

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Saturday, April 26, 2014

Easter Sunday Spanish: La Resurreccion es vida nueva

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 28:1-10.  Creemos que no podemos tener una nueva vida o un cambio en nuestra vida.  Pero Jesus nos hace mirar hacia el cielo y que nos demos cuenta que podemos cambiar. 

Check out this episode!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Holy Week Tuesday: the Love of the Father to Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 13:21-33, 36-38.  The Father knew the Son before he was formed in the Womb and arranged a beautiful celestial poem from before time. 

Check out this episode!

Holy Week Monday Spanish: Conozcan el Sufrimiento de Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 12:1-11.  No solo conozcamos el sufrimiento de Jesus de leerlo pero de vivirlo.

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Holy Week Monday: Know the Lord's Sufferings

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 12:1-11.  We can know the Lord's sufferings when we know them in our own bodies. 

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Palm Sunday English: Unite your Sufferings to Christ!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 26:14-27:66.  We suffer although we are not aware of what will come in our lives; Jesus suffers knowing full well what will come towards him and yet he does not turn back.  We can share in his courage by uniting our sufferings to his. 

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Palm Sunday Spanish: Sigamos adelante!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 26:14-27:66.  Jesus entra en su pasion, sabiendo todo lo que le viene y sigue adelante.  Tambien, que nosotros sigamos en sus pasos. 

Check out this episode!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

5th Sunday Lent English: Obstacles in our Healing

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 11:1-45.  Sometimes, although Jesus wants to heal, we have obstacles keeping us from experiencing the fullness of that healing. 

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5th Tuesday Lent English: the Power of the Cross

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 8:21-30.  The power of the cross is amazing if we ask for the grace to experience it. 

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5th Monday Lent Spanish: Falsas Acusaciones

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 8:1-11.  Hoy hablamos un tema muy importante, el de matrimonios homosexuales y personas que defienden la Iglesia.

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5th Sunday Lent Spanish: Obstaculos para la Sanacion

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 11:1-45.  Aunque Jesus nos viene a sanar, tenemos obstaculos que no deja que esas sanaciones pasen. 

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5th Monday Lent English: We are Guitly!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 8:1-11.  The only one innocent is Jesus, he pays the price for our sin so that we may become innocent.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

4th Tuesday Lent: Jesus is the fulfillment of all

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 5:1-16.  In all that we see, our churches, our faith, and even the Jewish faith...Jesus comes to fulfill all these things in himself...

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4th Monday Lent Spanish: Jesus sana en nuestras familias

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 4:43-54.  Jesus viene a sanar en medio de nuestras familias, que empieze la sanacion!

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4th Monday Lent English: Jesus heals our Families

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 4:43-54.  Jesus comes to heal in the midst of our families, let the healing begin!

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4th Sunday Lent Spanish: Dios Sana

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 9:1-41.  Juan nos da 7 milagros que demuestran que Jesus es Dios: 4 son de sanacion.  Que nos dice esto? Que Jesus nos vino a sanar! 

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4th Sunday Lent English: God Heals

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 9:1-41.  John presents to us the 7 signs that Jesus performs.  4 of them are of healing...Jesus came mostly to heal, are we open to that?

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 31, 2014

3rd Tuesday Lent: Feast of the Annunciation

This homiy was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  No one other than Mary could have said yes to the Angel in the way that she did.  We consecrate ourselves to share in that freedom. 

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3rd Monday Lent: Dia de Consagracion a la Virgen Maria

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:26-38.  Hoy celebramos no solo la Anunciacion de la Virgen Maria pero tambien la consagracion de varias personas de nuestra Iglesia. 

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3rd Monday Lent: Bathe Seven Times

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 4:24-30.  The Homily was based on the first reading where Naman is asked to bathe seven times.  So should we in the words of Jesus from the Cross. 

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