Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

3rd Tuesday English: How to discern the Will of God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 3:31-35.  Discerning the Will of God is not easy, however with God's grace all things are possible. 

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Monday, January 28, 2013

3rd Monday English: the Body of Christ is our source of Power!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mark 3:22-30.  The entry point for grace and God's power in the physical world is the Body of Christ.  We Catholics eat it at Mass and Adore it in Adoration. 

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3rd Sunday English: DSF Sunday & Perpetual Adoration Sunday

This homily was given at St Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 1:1-4, 4:14-21.  This Sunday was where we introduced DSF (Diocesan Service Fund) and the push for Perpetual Adoration at our Parish.  Listen and Commit!

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

2nd Tuesday English: 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 5:1-12.  If we are not willing to shed our blood for the freedom of the unborn, then how can we expect them to stop shedding the blood of the innocent for the "freedom" of the couple?

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Monday, January 21, 2013

2nd Sunday English: the Tragedy of Abortion

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 2:1-11.  If we only knew God's tender love for us, then we would be a country that commits such terrible crimes as that of abortion. 

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2nd Sunday Spanish: Dios es el autor del Matrimonio

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 2:1-11.  Vemos que Jesus hace su primer milagro con en una boda.  Nosotros y nuestra comunidad Hispana tiene que traer sus relaciones a Jesus para entrar en el Matrimonio como Dios y no nosotros queremos. 

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

1st Tuesday English: Jesus is both God & Man

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 1:21-28.  Jesus is truly human and truly Divine, even if we cannot see his Divine nature.  This gives us confidence to approach his feet and share in his glory.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

1stMonEn: Jesus is the Wisdom of God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 1:14-20.  In the Letter to Hebrews, Paul quotes the book of Wisdom to teach us that Jesus is God's Wisdom. 

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Monday, January 14, 2013

Baptism of the Lord English: the mystery of Baptism

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 3:15-16,21-22. Water is a symbol for the mystery of God.  As we come to understand the complexities of water, the mystery of God begins to open up to us even more.

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Baptism of the Lord Spanish: Que es el Bautismo?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 3:15-16,21-22.  Nos hace bien repasar otra vez, que es el Bautismo y como podemos beneficiar de este sacramento tan necesario?

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday after Epiphany: Jesus heals the Lepers

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 5:12-16.  St. Damien of Molokai is an incredible example of someone who sought to heal and work with lepers as Jesus did in the Gospel.  That was St. Damien's mission & vocation, what is yours?

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Tuesday After Epiphany: the Love of God is the medicine we need

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 634-44.  To love is to bring someone to God, who is the source of all the good that we seek in our lives.  First we need to be affected by his goodness. 

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Monday after Epiphany Spanish: La Verdad nos libra para Amar

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 4:12-17, 23-25.  Tenemos que darnos cuenta de las mentiras que nos atan y poner en su lugar la verdad de Cristo para poder estar libre para amar a Dios y los demas. 

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Feast of the Epiphany Spanish: Que le trameos nosotros a Jesus?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mk 2:1-12.  Si los reyes magos le trajeron a Jesus oro, incienso, y mirra, que le vamos a dar de nuestro corazon a Jesucristo? 

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Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mary Mother of God: Mary's Motherhood elevates all motherhood

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 1:1-18.  Mary's motherhood, although different from normal motherhood, yet nevertheless elevates all motherhood and allows women to see the truth about the holiness of their vocation. 

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Mary Mother of God Spanish: Madre de Jesus y nuestra Madre!

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 1:1-18.  Jesus es la unica Encarnacion de Dios y Maria es su Madre.  No solo es de El, pero tambien Jesus nos dio a Maria como un regalo para amarnos y guardarnos!

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Feast of Holy Family: Mary's journey is our Journey

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 2:41-52.  Mary's loss of Jesus for 3 days symbolizes our own spiritual journey in coming to find Jesus in the temple of our soul. 

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