Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal

Friday, October 24, 2014

29th Tuesday Spanish: Are you Ready?

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 12:35-38.  Jesus challenges us to be spiritually ready despite our material readiness. 

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29th Monday Spanish: Lo que le importa a Dios

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 12:13-21.  Que le importa a Dios...que vendamos lo que tenemos y que demos limosnas. 

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29th Monday English: what matters to God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales. The Gospel was Lk 12:13-21.  What matters to God is to sell our belongings and give alms. 

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29th Sunday English: learning to flow with God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:33-40.  God is not in competition with us, rather he is our friend.  We should flow with him and allow our lives to be filled with him. 

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Friday, October 17, 2014

28th Tuesday English: the power of faith in Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 11:37-41.  Our traditions have power only in so far as we trust in Jesus.  He is the source and power of our faith.  

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28th Monday Spanish: La Nueva Alianza

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 11:29-32.  La Eucaristia es la manera que entramos en la nueva familia de Dios.  Pero tambien tenemos que remover todo lo que nos ata a otras alianzas.  

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28th Monday English: the Covenant of God

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 11:29-32.  When we share in the Eucharist we participate in the new family of God established by Jesus' new covenant.  

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28th Sunday English: the Final Judgement - be ready

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:1-14.  All of our life is a preparation for this meeting with Jesus.  The Rosary is a powerful way to prepare and become the people Jesus wants us to be.  

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28th Sunday Spanish: Infierno, Purgatorio, y Cielo

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 22:1-14.  Al final de todo, tendremos el juicio de Jesus, y tenemos que estar preparados para decirle si a a amarlo con nuestras vidas.  

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Saturday, October 11, 2014

27th Tuesday English: Our Lady of the Rosary

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 10:38-42.  The Rosary has been the greatest gift that my grandmother and Heavenly Father gave me.

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27th Monday Spanish: Jesus es el Buen Samaritano

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was LK 10:25-37.  Jesus nos sana en un proceso de 3 etapas: aceite, vino, y vendas.  Ese represanta a Dios Padre, Hijo, y Espiritu Santo. 

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27th Monday English: the Beauty of the True Faith in Jesus

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Lk 10:25-37.  We cannot follow myths and false religions, rather we follow the Catholic Church...the true faith that Jesus gave us. 

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27th Sunday English: Have now Anxieties

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:33-43.  Even in our own parish, with our recent fundraiser, God took care of all the details, even the most minute details. 

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27th Sunday Spanish: Los Dones del Espiritu Santo

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:33-43.  Estamos en las ultima platicas sobre la Fe Catolica.  Hoy visitamos el Espiritu Santo para ver y entender los dones que El nos quiere dar.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

26th Sunday Spanish: La Vida Espiritual

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:28-32.  Estamos en la octava platica que vemos el creecimiento de nuestra vida espiritual. 

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26th Sunday English: Humily & Accepting our Sins

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Mt 21:28-32.  Why are we so afraid to admit our sin? The virtue of Humility gives us freedom of heart. 

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26th Monday English: the Archangels

This homily was given at St. Francis de Sales.  The Gospel was Jn 1:47-51.  The Archangels Raphael, Gabriel, & Michael are awesome!! How much better off we would be if we truly prayed to the Angels. 

Check out this episode!